Philadelphia Consumer Lawyer | Free Lemon Law Help in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Maryland - Davis Consumer Law Firm | Vehicles, Cars, Boats, RVs, Defective Consumer Products

100% Free Legal Help

Davis Consumer Law Firm provides 100% cost-free Lemon Law legal representation to the consumer

How is it free? The Lemon Law and the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act contains what they call in the legal world, "fee-shifting provisions" which basically means the manufacturer must pay all attorney's fees and costs above the proceeds of what the consumer receives.

Most of the major manufacturers are represented by established legal teams. The point of these provisions is to give both the consumer and the large corporations an equal standing. Consumers are entitled to the same quality or caliber of legal representation as the manufacturers. Another benefit of these provisions is that it reinforces the manufacturers to build higher quality products and fewer lemons. It's a win-win for both parties. While some states have Lemon Law statutes that do not contain fee-shifting provisions, the Davis Consumer Law Firm utilizes its other states and federal statutes which do.

In the event your case is strong enough, and the manufacturer refuses to voluntarily repurchase or replace your vehicle, we will sue the manufacturer and collect our fees and expenses from it if we win the case or end up settling. In those situations where the case does not allow us to obtain a repurchase or replacement, but allows for monetary compensation, we are paid a percentage of that monetary amount from the manufacturer – but only if we get results.

Exception: For cases brought to arbitration against the manufacturer under the New York State Attorney General's Office (IF THE CLIENT ELECTS to take this alternative route), an upfront retainer fee will be collected from the client, where under law, attorney fees cannot be recovered from the manufacturer.

If you suspect you have a lemon on your hands, or a Breach of Warranty claim, fill out the form below or call the Davis Consumer Law Firm at (855) 432-8475 for a free, no-obligation case evaluation.